À La Carte
Join the Team
À La Carte
Join the Team
First Name
Last Name
How does the creative team work?
Once you've signed up for the creative Team (by continuing through the rest of this form and signing our independent contractor agreement), you'll be added to our list. We send out emails approximately once a month ( sometimes more or less depending on needs) where we list a collection of upcoming wedding and event opportunities with a few basic details such as the date and location of each. Members of the creative team then reply to our email with their availability for the listed dates. We fill our teams on a first-come-first-serve basis depending on the individual needs and scale of each event . We will let you know which weddings you have been selected for so you can mark your calendar. The week of the event a detailed timeline with location information and floral details is sent to the team. Each team member confirms they've received this. Finally on the day of the event, the team works together to unload, setup, and fine tune the flowers for the event before lighting candles and going their separate ways ( or sometimes hang out together!) until the breakdown portion of the evening where they join up again to strike the event very quickly - led by a Prema Designs Team Member, who will guide them ! After breaking down the event, a portion of the team returns to the studio together to unload the truck neatly into the studio ( and return any rented trucks).
What is expected of me if I sign up?
1. We do expect that you'll reserve the ENTIRE DAY for us when you sign up. event timelines are a fluctuating thing, and we will not have the full timing of the day available to us until closer to the event. We send a full, highly-detailed schedule to you the week of the event. We also expect ( to the best of your ability) that you'll give us as much notice as possible should you need to back out of an event, as we are counting on every able body that has signed up. 2. We also expect that you'll not only part take in both setup hours of the event ( which can range from 4-12+ hours, but typically averages around 7-8 total hours) BUT ALSO the breakdown of the event which typically happens between 10:00pm and 1:00 am after the event conclusion. It is ideal that the teardown team is the same people that set up, as they are the most capable of working quickly, knowing where everything is and where everything goes , and have practiced working efficiently together during the set up hours. 3. You can expect to see and take part in a lot of grunt work - unloading flowers and supplies, unpacking containers, setting up, lifting, a tiny bit of designing and a lot of clean up. You can expect to work in all kinds of conditions because whether it's rain, snow, or extreme sunshine, the show must go on! We ask that you come with a positive attitude and a helpful disposition, whatever the day may hold.
What can I expect of the Prema Designs Team if I sign up?
1. You can expect a paycheck! We don't allow volunteer work. We pay $20 an hour for setup and $40 an hour for teardown. It's hard work but its so rewarding and always fun to watch a big day come together. 2. You can expect to have fun with us! It is our goal to enjoy the event day, even if there are tense moments. We work through those hustle times together , but the overall objective is to enjoy what we are doing! So you can expect to be treatred kindly and to be surrounded by a fun team! 3. You can expect that we'll take a lot of team selfies and express a lot of gratitude for your hard work! We can't do what we do without our incredible Creative Team!!
Do you prefer electronic delivery of your tax information?
Choosing "yes" gives legal permission for Prema Designs to email your 1099 ( should you qualify for one) and any other tax or employment related information to the email address provided in this form.
Yes - email please
No- please mail it!
Social Security Number
This will be used to prepare your tax documents
Emergency Contact Name
Please include their name and their relation to you.
Thank you!